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  Netwister File Processor - Telnet interface details
  Telnet Interface

Netwister supports a default command line interface via console for system administration. As the Netwister service runs in background, the only way to get an access to the console is to use the built-in Telnet interface. Netwister permit multiple command line sessions to run concurrently by means of virtual consoles.

In addition to implementing the standard terminal functions, Netwister provides console-specific functions that let external application processes (for example, Netwister GUI) communicate to it directly. Such functions are available via the telnet interface. Dedicated component called TELNET DAEMON, accepts telnet connections on configured port, acting as simple telnet server (e.g. port 4100). The telnet client gets an access to the Netwister command line interface thus opening a virtual console session. Telnet server component can be configured to accept connection only from pre-defined IP address. Default installation permits connections from any IP address.

The EXIT command is used to close the console session.

Run-Time Configuration

The Netwister console described in previous sections provides some commands for advanced system administration. While software is running as Windows service, the only way to get to the command console is to use telnet interface.

NOTE: while operating a command console via the Telnet interface, all commands must be entered in uppercase !

Introspection of the Netwister Components

The ACPM Modules provide a means to access internal functional components via the command line interface. The user may query the system for components list, then - each component for a list of available subcomponents, etc. The format of correspondent command is:


Top level component is the main Module application object. While querying it, parameter [<component>:] is not required. Here is the example of the command I/O session:
DC >components
ERROR MANAGER#ErrorManager#1
EXECUTION ENVIROMENT#ExecutionEnviroment#0
FILE TRANSFER MANAGER#File Transfer Manager#0
LICENCING COMPONENT#Licencing Component#0
LOG FILE#LogFile#0
PURGER MANAGER#PurgerManager#1
SECURITY SYSTEM#SecuritySystem#0
TELNET DAEMON#TelnetDaemon#1
THREAD MANAGER#ThreadManager#3

There is also a way to list system parameters. Here is the command used to show the names of parameters available for configuration.

Tests case assumes going through all components recursively with COMPONENTS and PARMETERS commands. Parameters then can be checked against the values specified in configuration files.


The example of correspondent I/O session follows:
DC >log file:parameters
log file:parameters
(UPN) SIZE LIMIT = 10000000 //in bytes.
(SPN) FILE NAME = d:\tools\Netwister\log\netwister.log 
//The name of a log file
Modifying parameter values

The Netwister service also supports altering of application components parameters at run time. The change takes effect immediately on a given run-time object. New value is also written to configuration file, so it is saved permanently.

Command line interface of Netwister has an option to facilitate parameter change functionality. The format of correspondent command is:

<component>:MODIFY <parameter name>=<new value>



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