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Downloadable Utilities for Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP

All utilities are provided with complete source code and executables compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0. Since no compiler specific code or libraries are used, all code should be easily portable to other C++ compilers. The author of these programs can be contacted at . Your comments, suggestions and bug reports are very welcome.

Download Remote Reboot ver. 1.01 (zip, 31KB) - a command line utility to reboot or shutdown Windows NT workstation over the network. Requires administrator access rights to remote workstation. Please read usage instructions here.

Download ALogin (zip, 24KB) - a command line utility that modifies Windows NT registry to enable automatic user login.

Download LoadDrv (zip, 19KB) - a simple command line utility to install and load into memory kernel mode device driver.

Download UnlDrv (zip, 16KB) - a simple command line utility to unload from memory and uninstall kernel mode device driver.

Download Domains (zip, 120KB) - a specialized whois client. Connects to whois.internic.net to query availability of .com, .net, .org, .edu domains. List of domains to check has to be provided as a text file. Generates list of domains that are not registered.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

 Our expertise:
* PC Based Control
* Industrial Automation
* Embedded Systems
* Data Acquisition
* SCADA software
* Human-Machine Interface
* Device Drivers
* Object Oriented Design
* C++ Programming
* Real-time Software
* Middleware
* Server side Software
* Windows NT Real-time Extensions
* Motion Control
* Device Networks including Profibus
* Java Programming

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